This is the sort of stuff I like. At least the stuff that I wish to share.
- The Oil Drum - “Dicussions about energy and our future.” Inactive and archived since 2013, but has a wealth of interesting information. Energy-centric. Visit The Last Post for additional meta-information on the site. This website is http only
- McMansion Hell - A tour of America’s most absurd suburban architecture created from the unholy union of cheap energy and lots of money. Humorous.
- Low←Tech Magazine - Low Tech Magazine is a blog about low-tech technology, obsolete inventions, and generally covers what was dreamt up before fossil fuels really picked up. They practice what they preach and are currently running their website with only solar power and a small set of batteries. If the batteries run out, oh well. The server will come back online when the sun shines once more.
- The 88x31 GIF Collection - A whole bunch of 88x31 GIFs. May take a bit to load, regardless of connection speed. There are currently 5 separate pages.
- RationalWiki - wiki written in a “Snarky Point of View (plus science).” Vaguely like LessWrong but less painful to read (dare I say fun?) and less genocide apologism via hardcore utilitarianism.
- Grabby Aliens - A shitty realization that only the most expansionary alien civilizations will be the ones to fill this universe and prevent future complex life from forming. Assumes the Copernican principle.
- From My to Me - A retrospective on amateur websites in the 90s and how website templates began the transition of amateur webpages from being personalized creations by the author into a homogenized container in which to place “about me”-type content, eventually being non-optional and (culturally) integrated with the rise of un-customizable webpages in contemporary services such as Facebook & Instagram. (~7500 words)
- C Isn’t a Programming Language Anymore (~4300 words)
- Factorio - Addictive factory building game. Development started in 2013 by kovarex, who decided that automating Minecraft wasn’t enough. More than a decade later, there’s a whole team of developers, it has a strong modding community, and the game is largely complete. Somewhat recently, the Space Age expansion came along, which has more than doubled the game’s complexity. (and is awesome)
- Universal Paperclips - You make paperclips. Lots of paperclips.
Recommended Browser Plugins
- uBlock Origin (Chrome ver.) - General-purpose content blocker. Great for blocking ads. Also allows the user to block specific sections of a website using its element picker. Great for blocking, say, distracting sidebars on a social media website
- Dark Reader - Dark mode for any website. Has sepia slider as well.
- Sidebery (Firefox only) - A sidebar plugin. Allows the creation of folders (like Chrome’s tab group feature). Firefox now has a vertical tabs implementation but it doesn’t have as many features as Sidebery
- (Chromium only) - A very nifty archival tool. It records web pages as you use the browser. When offline, archives can be viewed without issue. Very nice for situations where access to the information on a website is needed, but an internet connection is not available. Notably, there is a standalone application as well, and archives can be exported and imported from both.
- PrivacyBadger - hahaha just kidding this thing breaks webpages as a hobby.